I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!

Archive for the ‘Cartoons’ Category


Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions!!

Digimon was the next best thing to Pokemon I tell ya! It used to come on Fox Kids and CiTV. It had a lot of similarities to Pokemon but was so different at the same time. Where as Pokemon was based round one main person Digimon was based around a group of school kids who stumble into the Digi-world. Its all long but it was entertaining back then lol I wanted a Digimon. The sad thing about Digimon was they lived in their own world where as in Pokemon you could have your Pokemon everywhere you went and it was normal no hiding! Ahh well good times!

After all these years imagine I still know the theme song! How mad/sad is that lol B)

A CatDog, Really?!

This show was and will always be stupid  how is this fun?

Two animals that hate each other in the real world are best friends and are conjoined like that is genetically possible. Do not confuse my little head, which this stupid program did back in the day.  I actually don’t remember liking this foolishness, they do semi look cute but they’re dumb!

The cat rules the dog because the dogs stupid. I don’t know why this was even thought of to be honest, it just makes you think hooooooooooooow!! and Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you do that?

It’s even worse now that I’m older because this show has me asking questions like “How the hell do they use the toilet?” real talk it sounds all technical and I know its a kids program but dude this is off the scales lol.

Nickelodeon you messed up bruv!! This show was a fail!

Where’s Wally?

Where’s Wally? I have no clue anymore

How come this guy always managed to get himself lost and why was it always my job to find him in the HARDEST and when I say HARDEST I mean the HARDEST pictures LOL.

Wally used to really hurt my eyes and allow my little brain at the time to believe I found him when I really never, how mean! Wally’s there No its not! 

What really annoyed me even more was Wally got everywhere, it was bad enough my mom thought the book would be good for me to look at 😐 really mom? but school thought so too.

Listen primary school was enough work as it was LOL why make my fun time stressful by allowing me the chance to be a good Samaritan by trying to find a guy that clearly didn’t want to be found because he was always getting lost on PURPOSE!! Why Wally, WHY?!! 

Dear Wally, 

I have reached the age of consent where I am able to let you know how much of an idiot you where.

Getting lost is not cool and to constantly do it can’t be fun because one day no-one will come and find you, like me. I have officially given up on you!

Yours Sincerly not,

Shanice 🙂 

This is not cool 😐 Click the image to try and find Wally. I finally found him 😎 still got it though!

All Legs and No Head?

Growing up I spent countless hours in front of the TV watching Cartoon Network. All the cool kids did and I’m pretty sure they will all remember Cow & Chicken.

What I could never get my head around were Cow & Chicken’s parents.

They where an odd pair clearly the theme song says so

“Momma had a Chicken, Momma had a Cow. Dad was proud, he didn’t care how”

 LOL are you serious?

How strange, how did that ever happen?

Not only that all I remember seeing was the dad’s skinny green corduroy trousers and his brown shoes and the mom’s polka dot skirt and apron. Hello don’t you have an identity? I think the drawers forgot to finish them off LOL

Mom & Dad

The odd parents shall not be seen, I guess having a cow and a chicken for your son and daughter is normal. How could you not want to eat them? *Nah I’m playing*

Despite that I did actually adore this show, I’m sure I watched it religiously on cable, I guess the drawers got the idea for Tom & Jerry; Mammy Two Shoes was the right name for her because that was all you could see too. How they played with our heads when we where little but did we really notice. Truthfully I didn’t until I got older to be honest LOL

Mammy Two Shoes

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