I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!

Posts tagged ‘macaulay culkin’

Home Alone

I wanted to have the skills like Kevin Mcallister had. This boy was a childhood genius; I can’t lie if I was left at home all alone at the age of like eight-years-old while my whole family went on holiday I don’t know what I’d do. Ratings to Kevin though, he fought off some bandits, set booby traps and survived until his parents got back. Legend! This film was a Christmas time favourite, you could guarantee mischievous Kevin would be on your telly holiday time.

Home Alone will is down in history I tell you, Macaulay Culkin will always be remembered as the cute lil boy that was left Home Alone. 

No matter how many times I watch Home Alone films, I always admire Kevin’s well-crafted, booby trapped house and bravery in a frightening situation, come on he was 8-years-old and duppied off two grown men TWICE! He deserves some recognition 😎

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