I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!

Posts tagged ‘Bop It’

Board Games

Who remembers the days when board games were all we needed to keep a big enough group entertained. Meeeee!! I know when I was growing up we had a PlayStation and all those stuff but they where only two-player games mainly and that’s kind of selfish there was a group of five or so.


The game that lasted for hours. Rolling the dice to go past go, landing on property and trying to purchase all the best ones with the highest rent value and just general bargaining. If I wasn’t the car, I was the Jockey and horse if I wasn’t any of those I was the doggy aww bless it lol.  It didn’t matter though because we all knew that the main role of Monopoly was the banker. Come like Deal or No Deal with Noel Edmond’s the power was just in the bankers hand lol. We never played by the rules fully because that bank got robbed if the banker weren’t on his/her A game lol straight! 😎

Hungry Hippos

This game was crazy, bang on the hippos bottom to make it eat all the food. The one with the most food collected obviously won. This game taught us as kids to be craven/selfish – don’t feel sad if all the other hippo’s don’t eat as long as yours get his its all good. 😆

Bop It

That swizzle twisting, circle bopping, keep up with the beat game. Everyone played Bop It! If I’m honest this little sound making piece of plastic annoyed me 😦 I’m not sure why but it did lol.

Snakes and Ladders

Wasn’t the funniest game ever but I guess it occupied u for a while. I can’t really say much about this game other than this was definitely a Wet Playtime game at school 😆 when you wasn’t allowed to go outside and play because it was raining too bad. Ahh primary school, their rules seem silly now but they meant well back then lol.


More of a two player game but it came like the better version of ‘Noughts and Crosses’. There was so many ways and techniques to win but once you mastered them then what? and it wasn’t all the time you would face an unworthy opponent when it came to Connect 4. Just for the record I always had to be yellow because back then I saw it as Gold coins *Don’t judge me* 😆 don’t act like you never viewed something better than it was haha :cool:.


The name for this game was correct lol. I swear this game got me so competitive. The way the other players could jump over your colour counter and send your ass back home and you couldn’t leave your home area unless you rolled a ‘6’. Ahhhh my brother and God-sister used to anger me lol I can’t even lie, they were so lucky on this game it was annoying. You see the look on the boy and girls faces on the box, that was me but both of them rolled into one lol.

Looking back on some of the 90s board games I played, those were the good old days though man. You can not beat good old safe fun games as they would say today :lol:. Everyone’s all grown up now but I guarantee if someone who owns one of these games was to pull one of them out everyone would want to play it 😎 just because its cool!

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