I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!


Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions!!

Digimon was the next best thing to Pokemon I tell ya! It used to come on Fox Kids and CiTV. It had a lot of similarities to Pokemon but was so different at the same time. Where as Pokemon was based round one main person Digimon was based around a group of school kids who stumble into the Digi-world. Its all long but it was entertaining back then lol I wanted a Digimon. The sad thing about Digimon was they lived in their own world where as in Pokemon you could have your Pokemon everywhere you went and it was normal no hiding! Ahh well good times!

After all these years imagine I still know the theme song! How mad/sad is that lol B)

Who remembers the days when board games were all we needed to keep a big enough group entertained. Meeeee!! I know when I was growing up we had a PlayStation and all those stuff but they where only two-player games mainly and that’s kind of selfish there was a group of five or so.


The game that lasted for hours. Rolling the dice to go past go, landing on property and trying to purchase all the best ones with the highest rent value and just general bargaining. If I wasn’t the car, I was the Jockey and horse if I wasn’t any of those I was the doggy aww bless it lol.  It didn’t matter though because we all knew that the main role of Monopoly was the banker. Come like Deal or No Deal with Noel Edmond’s the power was just in the bankers hand lol. We never played by the rules fully because that bank got robbed if the banker weren’t on his/her A game lol straight! 😎

Hungry Hippos

This game was crazy, bang on the hippos bottom to make it eat all the food. The one with the most food collected obviously won. This game taught us as kids to be craven/selfish – don’t feel sad if all the other hippo’s don’t eat as long as yours get his its all good. 😆

Bop It

That swizzle twisting, circle bopping, keep up with the beat game. Everyone played Bop It! If I’m honest this little sound making piece of plastic annoyed me 😦 I’m not sure why but it did lol.

Snakes and Ladders

Wasn’t the funniest game ever but I guess it occupied u for a while. I can’t really say much about this game other than this was definitely a Wet Playtime game at school 😆 when you wasn’t allowed to go outside and play because it was raining too bad. Ahh primary school, their rules seem silly now but they meant well back then lol.


More of a two player game but it came like the better version of ‘Noughts and Crosses’. There was so many ways and techniques to win but once you mastered them then what? and it wasn’t all the time you would face an unworthy opponent when it came to Connect 4. Just for the record I always had to be yellow because back then I saw it as Gold coins *Don’t judge me* 😆 don’t act like you never viewed something better than it was haha :cool:.


The name for this game was correct lol. I swear this game got me so competitive. The way the other players could jump over your colour counter and send your ass back home and you couldn’t leave your home area unless you rolled a ‘6’. Ahhhh my brother and God-sister used to anger me lol I can’t even lie, they were so lucky on this game it was annoying. You see the look on the boy and girls faces on the box, that was me but both of them rolled into one lol.

Looking back on some of the 90s board games I played, those were the good old days though man. You can not beat good old safe fun games as they would say today :lol:. Everyone’s all grown up now but I guarantee if someone who owns one of these games was to pull one of them out everyone would want to play it 😎 just because its cool!

One of the funniest if not the funniest duo to have ever graced our screens in the 90s. Kenan & Kel man you could catch these guys everyday on Nickelodeon like clockwork just before Nickelodeon turned off at that time that they thought would be everyone’s bed time lol *Remember that?* 😯

The show where everyone knows the saying “Who loves orange soda?” lol. How can one person be so obsessed with one drink?

Who Loves Orange Soda? Kel Loves Orange Soda.. Is it true? Ummmhmmm I Do I Do I Doo ooo

Kenan Rockmore and Kel Kimble these guys where stupid funny though man, you had to love’em 😎 Who would have thought two best friends can run into so much trouble in so little time on the show haha 😆 with Kenan’s plan hatching all poor Kel could say was his second most favourite line “Ahhh here it goes”. Straight away you knew the episode was going to be filled with some plan that goes horribly wrong aha 😆

Lmao this is one of the funniest episodes I can remember it still cracks me up today!

If you didn’t know about Kenan and Kel back then or even now your way too young to be honest lol.

The dynamic duo could not leave it their, the pair starred in one of the funniest 90s films Good Burger!

“Welcome to Good Burger. Home of  the Good Burger. Can I take your order” and “I’m a dude, he’s a dude, she’s a dude, we’re all dudes hey!”  

Good Burger, 1997

Films where a lot growing up in the 90s we can all say we did spend hours upon hours watching films with our heads just at a slight tilt like this kid here Lol.

All kids looked like this in the 90s

You can’t say you never because you’d be lying of course but yo who can blame us though really. The films 90s kids grew up with where great. Take a look at the list of some of the most memorable films that I remember from the 90s.

Richie Rich, 1994

Cool Runnings, 1993

Matilda, 1996

Free Willy, 1993

Dennis, 1993

The Little Rascals, 1994

Jack, 1996

Baby Geniuses, 1999

Flubber, 1997

Honey, I Blew Up The Kid, 1992

Babe, 1995

Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie, 1997

Problem Child, 1990

Beethoven, 1992

Madeline, 1998

3 Ninjas: High Noon at Mega Mountain

Baby's Day Out, 1994

The list goes on and one and I’m 100% sure you can remember loads more including cartoons but I don’t want to bore you with my long post lol as it is already very very long just from pictures.



Sonic was the most fast-paced game we could have ever played growing up in the 90s. The spiky, blue hedgehog with red and white trainers not only became a beloved game franchise but was the mascot for Sega. Let’s be honest Sonic was the only game giving Mario a run for his money (literally). Sega and Nintendo’s both have successful cartoon creations which had us sitting at the screen for hours on end.


I hated when this used to happen to me like what the hell, the hedgehog runs so face and a little fish messes him up kills you! But getting to the finish line was like heaven 😀 .

A CatDog, Really?!

This show was and will always be stupid  how is this fun?

Two animals that hate each other in the real world are best friends and are conjoined like that is genetically possible. Do not confuse my little head, which this stupid program did back in the day.  I actually don’t remember liking this foolishness, they do semi look cute but they’re dumb!

The cat rules the dog because the dogs stupid. I don’t know why this was even thought of to be honest, it just makes you think hooooooooooooow!! and Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy would you do that?

It’s even worse now that I’m older because this show has me asking questions like “How the hell do they use the toilet?” real talk it sounds all technical and I know its a kids program but dude this is off the scales lol.

Nickelodeon you messed up bruv!! This show was a fail!

Growing up in the 90s the snacks were the best! Going to school with your bag packed with loads of munchies was the best thing ever. Walking home from school and spending the rest of your dinner money on a load of sweets, chocolate, crisps and what ever a pound or so could buy you 😆 which was a lot back then.


Remember when Freddo chocolate bars used to be 10p and they had the caramel ones too and the little Taz bars. These where so nice and now they’ve bumped the Freddo’s up to up to 20p 😯 really? That is extortion mate!


Sunny D & Um Bongo

Everybody should remember this famous drinks. If you had pack lunches on trips out with school which nearly every kid have I could guarantee you’d have one of these lunch-box sized juices in there to quench your thirst.  Its a shame they discontinued Um Bongo that was some tasty juice like mmmm and Sunny Delight  was undoubtedly the best orange juice back then.

Squeeze it

The yummiest and cheapest drink you could ever purchase in you primary school days haha. You rip the lid off and drink it in pretty much one go gangster style. You couldn’t save it because you broke the lid but they where pretty nifty drinks ha.


As shown in the banner (left hand corner) 

This snack was the most fun ever. You could actually build cars and eat them 😯 WOW! well you would add the wheels to the frame thingy shape they put in there. It also had meteor balls they where good too and for 10p you couldn’t go wrong

The list is way too long to talk about all of them but I know this little list  of what I can remember will jog your memory and have you saying ‘Ooohhh I remember them’ lol

  • Doritos 3D
  • Wheat Crunchers
  • Nik Naks
  • Frazzles
  • Bottle Pop
  • Babybel
  • Popping candy (stardust)
  • HubbaBubba
  • Bubbaloo
  • Refreshers/
  • DipDab
  • Dairylea Lunchables
  • Discos
  • Tangy Toms
  • Spaceships
  • Space Raiders
  • PomBears
  • Chupa Chups

(Left) Janet Hubert-Whitten to Daphne Maxwell Reid (Right)

Everyone knows these women. Yep that’s right they both play good old Aunt Viv, Will’s auntie in the Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air. Those who remember watching the Fresh Prince know that they decided to replace the first Aunt Viv (left) Janet Hurbert-Whitten to Daphne Maxwell Reid (right). Why I’m not so sure but I noticed how much she chaaaaaaaanged!! I mean there is no resemblance what so ever.

What I must say is that they both did a good job in the end so I guess it didn’t really matter did it? Poor old Nicky must of been confused poor thing.

Good old Aunt Viv!

Bernard’s Watch

Bernard’s watch used to come on CiTV after school

Who remembers this Kid? Good old Bernard. Man this kid had it all, the killer watch that allowed him to freeze time! FREEZE TIME YOU KNOW. He must have been about 10/11 I don’t know, I really don’t think it matters to be honest lol just know that the watch was an amazing possession to have.

It was magic!! 😆

Imagine all the possibilities you would have if you got your hands on this watch.. I know what I would do now but back then man I probably would have had longer time in bed,  done a few sneaky trick on one and two people, got extra cake in school, never been late lol man the possibilities would have been endless lol.

Bernard made us all wish we had one of them watches, he was so lucky to find that watch  but lets face it 😦 that would never happen being able to stop time because if we could life would be a whole lot smoother or would it?

Hey ho we will never know but what I do know the show was a eye opener 😯 lol had us like wow!

Lol in regards to my previous post about Princess Peach. This 90s damsel was truly playing games lol but hey what ever floats your boat and I guess it kept us all entertained and Mario on his toes haha.

Lol what a joke! ha

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