I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!


Digimon, digital monsters, Digimon are the champions!!

Digimon was the next best thing to Pokemon I tell ya! It used to come on Fox Kids and CiTV. It had a lot of similarities to Pokemon but was so different at the same time. Where as Pokemon was based round one main person Digimon was based around a group of school kids who stumble into the Digi-world. Its all long but it was entertaining back then lol I wanted a Digimon. The sad thing about Digimon was they lived in their own world where as in Pokemon you could have your Pokemon everywhere you went and it was normal no hiding! Ahh well good times!

After all these years imagine I still know the theme song! How mad/sad is that lol B)

Comments on: "Digimon" (1)

  1. Digimon is awesome.

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