I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!

Posts tagged ‘St James Primary’

Search Engine

Remember when this butler had all the answers to our current Google searches LOL. I used to rinse Ask Jeeves for his answers about 11 years ago when I was a little nipper in St. James Primary School trying to find out stuff because my current teacher then told me I had to by using the internet.

Yo Jeeves was the man back then, I actually can’t remember using any other search engine, probably because my little brain was locked in a lil bubble to stop me from breaking free and seeing what was really out there on the net (no dirty thoughts thanks) lol.

And since the he went from this to this woooow Jeeves done upgraded and thought I better snazz up a little if I want to fit in with today’s society. Too right Jeeves is fully animated now, the man blinks when your typing in his search box BIG! πŸ˜† Do what you gotta do Jeeves I will always remember you as a 2D butler looking guy.

I’ve just found out by accident LOL that if you click on Jeeves you can dress him up πŸ˜† I can’t cope in Ben Sherman and all sorts, WOW Jeeves is definitely getting with the times. Shout out to you Jazzy J! :mrgreen:

Art Attack!

Rrrrr nah when this came to my head I just had to write about it.Β  Everyone has to remember this guy! The Art Attack man Neil Buchanan. This guy was the most creative person on TV. He had me making a mess of the living room, my bedroom and where ever else I could set up my little work station to make what he makes. πŸ˜† (sorry mom)

Shoot this guys drawings where flawless and so precise it was just 😯 amazing.

His two favourite quotes that I remember him saying where:

  1. “Add a bit of PVA glue”
  2. “Here’s one I made earlier”

Lol that PVA glue got used for eeeeeeeeverything. Once mine was done my mom wasn’t getting me anymore so Neil you messed me up mate!

I would watch his show religiously everyday after school on CiTV. I think everyone did. TV time after school was the best wind down time ever, especially when you got good old Neil and not forgetting his trusty statue The Head LMAO. His laugh was just too different man and he could never make his stuff look like Neil’s just like me 😦  Aahh childhood memories, the 90s where truly the best say nothing!

Anyway here’s one of Neil’s BIG Art Attacks that I actually remember watching, his big Art Attacks where always WOW. I admire his creative spark

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