I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!

Archive for February, 2012

All Legs and No Head?

Growing up I spent countless hours in front of the TV watching Cartoon Network. All the cool kids did and I’m pretty sure they will all remember Cow & Chicken.

What I could never get my head around were Cow & Chicken’s parents.

They where an odd pair clearly the theme song says so

“Momma had a Chicken, Momma had a Cow. Dad was proud, he didn’t care how”

 LOL are you serious?

How strange, how did that ever happen?

Not only that all I remember seeing was the dad’s skinny green corduroy trousers and his brown shoes and the mom’s polka dot skirt and apron. Hello don’t you have an identity? I think the drawers forgot to finish them off LOL

Mom & Dad

The odd parents shall not be seen, I guess having a cow and a chicken for your son and daughter is normal. How could you not want to eat them? *Nah I’m playing*

Despite that I did actually adore this show, I’m sure I watched it religiously on cable, I guess the drawers got the idea for Tom & Jerry; Mammy Two Shoes was the right name for her because that was all you could see too. How they played with our heads when we where little but did we really notice. Truthfully I didn’t until I got older to be honest LOL

Mammy Two Shoes

Hello, Hi

Welcome to my blog, as you can see this is my first post, my first post about what I’m not too sure yet, I’m just going to type and see where it leads me…

Sooo this is what it feels like writing your first post 🙄 shocker! First of all I’m going to enlighten you on a little about me.

I’m not a casual blogger even though I have done it before where I have kind of had to always post but never did *Rebel* :mrgreen:, however since this is my own blog and its apart of something I semi have to do I guess I will try my best too but this time I’m in control of when and what I post about so I guess that’s cool.

Anyway… You may have noticed that my blog name is Est. In The 90s, that should give you a good idea on what my blog is centered round but for those who didn’t get it basically my blog is going to be looking at and reminiscing about all the things that made a contribution to me growing up in the 90s. So I will be digging up something’s out of the lost and found and shedding some light on things most 90s babies will remember and recognise.

Everybody knows its all about the 90s babies, that era had to be one of the best!

But yeah, keep checking back to my blog to see what I have managed to find and write about relating back to the 90s you never know what I may remember 😎

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