I Don't Care Imma Nineties Baby!

Posts tagged ‘CiTV’

Bernard’s Watch

Bernard’s watch used to come on CiTV after school

Who remembers this Kid? Good old Bernard. Man this kid had it all, the killer watch that allowed him to freeze time! FREEZE TIME YOU KNOW. He must have been about 10/11 I don’t know, I really don’t think it matters to be honest lol just know that the watch was an amazing possession to have.

It was magic!! 😆

Imagine all the possibilities you would have if you got your hands on this watch.. I know what I would do now but back then man I probably would have had longer time in bed,  done a few sneaky trick on one and two people, got extra cake in school, never been late lol man the possibilities would have been endless lol.

Bernard made us all wish we had one of them watches, he was so lucky to find that watch  but lets face it 😦 that would never happen being able to stop time because if we could life would be a whole lot smoother or would it?

Hey ho we will never know but what I do know the show was a eye opener 😯 lol had us like wow!

Art Attack!

Rrrrr nah when this came to my head I just had to write about it.  Everyone has to remember this guy! The Art Attack man Neil Buchanan. This guy was the most creative person on TV. He had me making a mess of the living room, my bedroom and where ever else I could set up my little work station to make what he makes. 😆 (sorry mom)

Shoot this guys drawings where flawless and so precise it was just 😯 amazing.

His two favourite quotes that I remember him saying where:

  1. “Add a bit of PVA glue”
  2. “Here’s one I made earlier”

Lol that PVA glue got used for eeeeeeeeverything. Once mine was done my mom wasn’t getting me anymore so Neil you messed me up mate!

I would watch his show religiously everyday after school on CiTV. I think everyone did. TV time after school was the best wind down time ever, especially when you got good old Neil and not forgetting his trusty statue The Head LMAO. His laugh was just too different man and he could never make his stuff look like Neil’s just like me 😦  Aahh childhood memories, the 90s where truly the best say nothing!

Anyway here’s one of Neil’s BIG Art Attacks that I actually remember watching, his big Art Attacks where always WOW. I admire his creative spark

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